Our Story!

In a tiny little town in Iowa, there’s two crazy kids (who aren’t such kids anymore! Eek!) trying to keep up with the hustle and bustle of big city life for the sole purpose of doing what we love best: living off our land.  The world moves lightning fast these days, ruled by ever changing technology.  People will often ask us, “You know you can buy that from the store?!” or “Are you crazy?!  Why would you do that?!?”  We just smile politely and keep trucking along.

I started this blog with the purpose of offering solidarity and inspiration to others.  Also, to inspire people to try things maybe they wouldn’t normally try and most importantly, to learn from others who are on this same path. I might just be the most imperfect homesteader you’ll ever meet!  I certainly don’t claim to have it all figured out!!

What is a Modern Homesteader??

Modern homesteaders, in one way or another, are people who have chosen to opt out of the rat race. Now, this doesn’t mean we go without conveniences or lack appreciation for a nice night on the town of supper and a Broadway show.  It just means we’ve opted to incorporate a ‘getting back to our roots’ mindset as part of our every day life.

Homesteaders come from all different backgrounds, heritages and may have never stepped on a “farm” in their entire lives; instead living right in the heart of a city.  They can be found farming their backyards in the suburbs, keeping chickens on a borrowed, little patch of Earth … OR … raising hundreds of acres of garden in the middle of nowhere.

Homesteaders never bat an eye spending late nights tending animals or harvest.  They definitely don’t mind having weathered hands and manure on their boots.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve went to get out of the car at the office only to realize I still have on my chore boots!!  They appreciate the value of hard work and desire to be producers, not just consumers. They prize old-fashioned ways, embrace personal responsibility and possess a sizable dose of common sense.

I also believe as homesteaders we share common goals:

  • To be self-sufficient
  • To find satisfaction from the work of our own hands
And above all – the freedom to write our own story……………………..

Thank you for stopping by – I hope you enjoy our page.

